Seasonal Working Hours

Normally working hours of service providers are set on week day basis. You define working hours for each day of the week which are supposed to be valid throughout the year. But what if working hours are irregular, e.g. because of shifts or seasonal reasons?

With Seasonal Working Hours Addon, it is possible to satisfy such a requirement. In the following example selected provider is working in a business with 3-shifts-per-day basis with each week working hours changing.

July 21 - 27, 2024
Not available
All times are set to Asia/Bangkok (Server Timezone)
Jul 28 - Aug 3, 2024
Not available
All times are set to Asia/Bangkok (Server Timezone)
August 4 - 10, 2024
Not available
All times are set to Asia/Bangkok (Server Timezone)
August 11 - 17, 2024
Not available
All times are set to Asia/Bangkok (Server Timezone)

Seasonal Working Hours Addon allows setting of working hours customized for shifts and seasonal changes: You can define working hours of each service provider (and service too!) for every week of the year. And not only for current year, also for the next 2 years. You can define unlimited number of weekly alternative working hour schedule as templates and use them for different providers for required weeks. This means, while you have the complete freedom of setting working hours per day, per hour as you wish, you do not need to set it for every provider from the start: You just choose the alternative working hour template.

For admin demo click here (username: demo password: demo )

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